Creating a PostgreSQL Service on Ubuntu
Ok, so you have a PostgreSQL distribution on your Ubuntu server. You have created the data directory and initialized the database. Now you want to run the server in a way that users can start, stop,...
View ArticleThe process that created pglogical
pglogical (logical replication for PostgreSQL) is the latest in the series of awesome products developed & supported by 2ndQuadrant. One of the key ingredients to making any product great is the...
View ArticlePostgres-XL 9.5: Gearing Towards the Beta Release
PostgreSQL has typically been described as an OLTP-friendly database and has generally been put to the side for OLAP workloads. While I disagree with this notion to begin with, the new Big Data...
View Article2ndQ talks at PGDay FOSDEM 2016
It is always exciting to meet community members and exchange ideas about PostgreSQL and the eco-system around the database. I was lucky enough to be a part of FOSDEM PGDay in Brussels on 29th January...
View ArticleUsing Java arrays to insert, retrieve, & update PostgreSQL arrays
Arrays are a powerful programming feature frequently used by developers, both in Java and in PL/pgSQL. Interfaces can potentially become tricky, however, when the two try and talk to each other. This...
View ArticleUsing Hibernate Query Language (HQL) with PostgreSQL
In my previous blog, I talked about using Java arrays to talk to PostgreSQL arrays. This blog is going to go one step further in using Java against the database. Hibernate is an ORM implementation...
View ArticleUsing Java Object Oriented Querying (jOOQ) with PostgreSQL
jOOQ is an ORM-alternative that is relational model centric rather than domain model centric like most ORMs. For example, while Hibernate lets you write Java code and then automatically translates it...
View ArticleUsing Querydsl with PostgreSQL
Querydsl is a domain model centric ORM that was created out of a need to add typesafety to HQL. As demonstrated in my blog on HQL, to write queries using HQL, at times long string concatenations need...
View ArticleMy experience with the Indonesia PUG meetup
I was in Jakarta a couple of weeks ago and there happened to be a meetup of the Indonesia PUG in Bandung while I was there. Because it is just a 2 hour, rather picturesque drive, from Jakarta, I...
View ArticleCommitted to the PostgreSQL Community, 2ndQuadrant Contributes to 9.6
The latest version of PostgreSQL 9.6 is planned to be released later today, bringing with it some much anticipated features and updates. As the most advanced open source database, PostgreSQL strives...
View Article2UDA – Installing PostgreSQL 9.6 the easy way
PGDG announced the General Availability of PostgreSQL 9.6 on the 29th of September. Like each year, this new release brings with it a lot of exciting new features. Using these features, of course,...
View ArticleCHAR (16) – Another conference on the horizon but with a focus on business
The PostgreSQL user community is becoming spoilt with a choice of excellent events organized by both local user groups and commercial organizations supporting the PostgreSQL project. And amongst the...
View ArticleThe PostgreSQL License – What Does It Mean For My Business?
When I talk to various people about PostgreSQL, based on where they are in the process of analyzing it, I get asked many similar questions. One of the most frequently asked questions is: What is the...
View ArticleProcessing PostgreSQL JSON & JSONB data in Java
This is part of a series of blogs on Java & PostgreSQL. For links to other blogs in this series, please scroll to the end of this post. Starting v9.2, PostgreSQL is providing native data type...
View ArticleUsing Java ORMs with PostgreSQL – MyBatis
In my previous blogs, I wrote about Hibernate Query Language (HQL) and Querydsl in detail, now I’m going to talk about MyBatis. While ORMs typically map Java objects to database tables (or vice versa),...
View ArticleUsing EclipseLink with PostgreSQL
1. Introduction EclipseLink was announced in 2008 as the JPA 2.0 implementation from the Eclipse Foundation. It is based on the TopLink project from which then Oracle contributed code to the...
View ArticlePGConf APAC 2018 – bigger & better each year
Last week saw the 3rd event in as many years in Singapore, and yet this time something was very different. For the last 2 years, we had been conducting the conference as a PostgreSQL track with...
View ArticleUsing Java Database Interface (jDBI) with PostgreSQL
jDBI is designed to be the middle ground between high level ORMs like JPA & Hibernate on one hand and raw JDBC on the other. You can think of it as a layer of convenience on top of JDBC that is...
View ArticleProcessing PostgreSQL JSON & JSONB data in Java
This is part of a series of blogs on Java & PostgreSQL. For links to other blogs in this series, please scroll to the end of this post. Starting v9.2, PostgreSQL is providing native data type...
View Article2ndQuadrant – Not the Gartner Magic Quadrant
It’s still appropriate though. Because that is what we are – thought leaders in open source PostgreSQL. But that’s not what I am here to talk about. The name “2ndQuadrant” comes from “The Seven Habits...
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